Nachrichten für junge Pendler: Studenten der City University London haben jetzt mit dem „Morning Memo“ einen neuen Service gestartet. hat dieses Projekt vorgestellt:

A group of master’s students on City University’s journalism course launched a news curation service today, using email and social media to reach a young mobile UK audience. The Morning Memo, aimed at young commuters, uses Instagram, Twitter,Facebook and email to deliver regular doses of UK, technology, science and business news, with the occasional „and finally…“ piece of light-hearted news. (Der komplette Text von

Die Initiatoren von Morning Memo beschreiben ihren Service wie folgt:

The Morning Memo is a roundup of news about the UK, technology, science and business, collated by a group of students from City University London. There are three steps to our morning: first we update our Instagram account with the news, then we update our website and finally we send out our morning memo. There are two main elements to the news coverage from us. While we’ll often just share links with a one-line explainer/headline, we might also choose some of our favourite lines from an article.

There’s a long history when it comes to informative – and useful – morning roundups and we’re hoping to build upon some of the best ones out there. From the first newsletters that were essentially worse version of RSS feeds – with updates of one website – to our favourite newsletter from Quartz, there are a lot of lessons to learn. Please do let us know if you have any thoughts, tips or ideas about what we’re doing. (And yes, we know The Morning Memo isn’t a particularly original name but it sums up what we do pretty well.)

Ein einfacher, aber durchdachter Dreiklang: Instagram-Update, Website-Update, Morning Memo. Wie viele Ansätze im Zusammenhang mit der Nachrichtenverbreitung via Social Media nichts Revolutionäres, aber eine blitzsaubere Orientierung an einer Zielgruppe – und deshalb möglicherweise einer der richtigen Weg. Außerdem einer, der die Vermarktungsprofis in den Verlagen interessieren dürfte.