image gehört zu den Seiten, die sich jeder Journalist als Favorit gespeichert haben sollte.
Regelmäßig bietet diese Redaktion fundierte, alltagstaugliche Handreichungen an. Hier zwei aktuelle Lektüretipps: Zehn Hinweise aus dem Bereich Social Media für lokale Nachrichtenredaktionen und fünf BuzzFeed-Tipps zum Umgang mit Videoclips.

Alastair Reid, 10 social media tips for local news organisations, 2014-06-04:
„The role of social media in delivering news and engaging with readers has become more important than ever. Homepage traffic is declining as increasingly readers find news via social networks – coming in through the ’side door‘ – and news organisations continue to experiment with ways to cater to this change in audience behaviour.

For local news outlets, which tend to have smaller teams and fewer resources, responding to this digital turnaround may be more of a challenge.

So we spoke to some experienced digital journalists about what has worked for them on a local level. …“ Weiterlesen

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Abigail Edge, 5 tips from BuzzFeed for creating socially shareable video; 2014-06-05:
„BuzzFeed has become a by-word for shareable content, but the outlet’s viral output is by no means limited to lists.

After reaching 2 million subscribers to its main YouTube channel in little over a year, BuzzFeed is also a major player in shareable video content.

Some recent examples include ‚video lists‘ such as 8 facts about food that will totally creep you out, videos that appeal to innate human curiosity, such as The world’s most dangerous things to humans, and humour, as in How to piss off every New Yorker in 36 seconds.

Speaking to, BuzzFeed’s senior video producer Andrew Gauthier shared some tips and advice for creating viral video content. …“ Weiterlesen