
„The point was to open the up the newsroom to ‚contaminate‘ it with other professions and disciplines …“

Journalism.co.uk: Inside digital innovation at La Stampa
„… And I understood how important it is to break the wall between the traditional work flow of the paper edition and the website. … You are a journalist of a news organisation called La Stampa. You are not a journalist of the paper. … The point was to open the up the newsroom to ‚contaminate‘ it with other professions and disciplines, said Bardazzi, to find new and interesting ways of approaching stories. …“

La-Stampa-Chefredakteur Mario Calabresi und sein Digitalmann Marco Bardazzi liefern in dem Journalism.co.uk-Beitrag „Inside digital innovation at La Stampa“ eine hervorragende Blaupause mit vielen Anregungen für alle Redaktionen, die Nachholbedarf in Sachen Digitales haben. Kern der Angelegenheit: einen neuen Workflow schaffen, der analogen und digitalen Bedürfnissen gerecht wird.